A Handbook Of Small Data Sets
This book should be of interest to statistics lecturers who want ready-made data sets complete with notes for teaching.

When teaching an introductory level class, the teachers I know tend to invent some numbers and a story in order to exemplify the method they are teaching. What I would prefer is to tell a real story with real numbers. However, these stories needs to relate to a very tiny dataset, which enables manual calculations. Any suggestions for such datasets will be very welcomed. Some sample topics for the tiny datasets: • correlation/regression (basic) • ANOVA (1/2 ways) • z/t tests - one/two un/paired samples • comparisons of proportions - two/multi way tables.
For two-way tables, I like the data on gender and survival of the titanic passengers: Alive Dead Total -------+-------------+------ Female 308 154 462 Male 142 709 851 -------+-------------+------ Total 450 863 1313 With this data, one can discuss things like the chi-square test for independence and measure of assocation, such as the relative rate and the odds ratio. For example, female passengers were ~4 times more likely to survive than male passengers. At the same time, male passengers were ~2. Microsoft Project 4Shared.Com there. 5 times more likely to die than female passengers. The odds ratio for survival/dying is always 10 though.
John Rasp's Statistics Website - Data Sets for Classroom Use Dr. John Rasp's Statistics Website Data Sets for Classroom Use Amazon.com & Coca-cola Filename: Daily returns, for ten years (2005 through 2014) for the stocks of two companies: Amazon.com (stock ticker AMZN) and Coca-cola (stock ticker KO). Taken from the Yahoo! Finance website of historical stock prices. Used for an on the standard deviation.
Amazon, Duke Energy, and Coke Filename: Daily closing share prices, for ten years (2007 through 2016) for the stocks of three companies: Amazon.com (stock ticker AMZN), Duke Energy (DUK) and Coca-cola (KO). Taken from the Yahoo! Finance website of historical stock prices. Used for an analytics on basic portfolio management.
Baseball - Statistical Quality Control Filename: Annual records (since 1901) for every major league baseball team, giving data for home runs, runs scored, team batting average, and team winning percentage. Do these processes appear to be 'in control'? Best City in Florida Filename: Data on several quality-of-life variables for twenty cities in Florida. Used in a on ranking and rating procedures. Box/Hunter/Hunter Filename: Data from Statistics for Experimenters, by Box, Hunter, & Hunter.